I was reviewing some carpal tunnel information from Wikipedia and it said that carpal tunnel syndrome is idiopathic.
"Idiopathic" basically means: no known cause.
Well, then, why did we just recently develop carpal tunnel pain as adults? We used our hands and arms even more when we were children. We did more things, used more different positions, challenged our bodies more, climbed ropes and trees and...
Wait a minute! Maybe we are onto something here.
We did a lot of things. We used all of our muscles. We were in balance. Our posture was great because we weren't stuck in just one position for long periods of time (at least, not until we started school.)
Then we grow up and somehow get into pain.
So I propose that carpal tunnel pain is not "idiopathic." Rather, it is caused by imbalances in our muscles.
Sure, it is possible that some of us have a smaller than average carpal tunnel. Yes, it is possible that the contents of the tunnel swell and cause pressure on the median nerve.
But, why? For no reason? Or, is it because....
We managed to get the muscles in our necks, shoulders, arms and hands out of balance? Is it because the contents of our carpal tunnel became inflammed and swelled due to something we are doing...or not doing?
And getting back to using ALL of our muscles and correcting our posture and developing a strong back side from knees to head could just be the answer.
Serious cases of carpal tunnel syndrome may possibly require surgery to reduce the possibility of permanent nerve damage, but early stage CT syndrome can benefit from self-treatment and/or physical therapy. True carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers have more numbness or nerve sensations than pain.
If you haven't been to your doctor yet for diagnosis, it is possible that your pain in the vicinity of your carpal tunnel may not be CT syndrome. Relatively few people have true CT syndrome. More people have pain caused by overuse, underuse or abuse of their muscles. Poor posture and a forward head position can contribute to pain in your hand and wrist, too.
In conclusion today, whether you have carpal tunnel syndrome or plain old pain in your arm, wrist and hand, you can get better. You can benefit from following a program to get your body back in balance.
And get out of pain.