
Saturday, March 24, 2007

Release Back Pain, Part Two

Nice to see you again. I hope you are feeling well.

Last time we talked about a simple back pain relief method.

You were to follow the directions in that article to lay on the floor with your legs at 90 degree angles at the hip and knee. Both calves were supported on a chair seat, or similar piece of furniture.

Here is the second part of the movement to relax your back.

Please read all of the directions first, so you understand what to do before you start.

You have determined which piece of furniture you will use. You have chosen something which is the correct height that will allow you to do the movement with both calves up.

Now, you have to determine whether that piece of furniture or another will allow the following movements. Also, you need to determine whether you can position yourself by yourself, or if you will need assistance from someone else.

For the second position, move over toward the edge of the furniture. One calf is still supported, but your other leg is now flat on the floor.

So one leg is still up on the chair or footstool with hip and knee at 90 degrees.

The other leg is flat on the floor, in line with your body.

Keep the toes of the flat leg pointed toward the ceiling. Don't let that foot flop outward. If you need to, prop that foot with a pillow or some books to keep your toes pointed toward the ceiling.

And just lay there.

After half the amount of time you have decided you can allot, move over or move the furniture so that you can place the flat leg back up on the chair. Let your other leg be flat on the floor.

Remember, the more your back hurts, the longer the time you should spend in these positions.

A minimum of five to fifteen minutes per position would be a good starting place. That is a total of fifteen to forty-five minutes.

You may do this as often as you like. If you can manage several times a day, or more extended sessions, that is good.

And while you are laying there, pay attention to your breath. Breathe into your neck, your midback, your low back, your hips.

Breathe so your chest rises. Make your belly rise. Breathe into your thighs.

If you can't really feel your breathe everywhere yet, then pretend you can.

Imagine the healing powers of your breathe, your body.

Your body wants to be well.

It can be well.

Sometimes it just needs some attention, some time to be still and heal, and some time to breathe.

Don't be disappointed if you have a temporary relapse. That happens sometimes while we are in a healing stage. You know, two steps forward and one step back? And then two more steps forward.

You are on the road to wellness.
